After several years working and studying Physics, Biomechanics and Anatomy, Philippe Souchard founded in 1980 the basis of Global Postural Re-education-RPG, an internationally respected and well known method.
Currently there are over 150 scientific publications about this method.
Based on the Global Postural Re-education-RPG principles, Souchard has also created the Stretching Global Active-SGA method focused on prevention, maintenance and strengthening of athlete’s physical conditions and occupational proficiency.
Philippe Souchard has published more than 20 books; some have already been translated and edited into Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. The most recent ones belong to Elsevier-Masson France, Elsevier-Campus RJ and other affiliated organizations.
His most recent book is Neurological Treatments in Global Postural Re-education-RPG from December 2018.
In English: chapter about Global Postural Re-education-RPG in Leon Chaitow’s book Fascial Dysfunction from November 2018.
Founder and President of Saint-Mont Manual Therapy University (France) and Director of Saint-Mont School of Global Postural Re-education-RPG (France) recognized by the Continuous Training Ministry since 1985. Adhering to the “Charte de Qualité de la Fédération Française des Kinésithérapeutes “, since its establishment in 1996.
Director-President of the Philippe Souchard Global Postural Re-education Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Director-President of the Philippe Souchard Global Postural Re-education Institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Editor of the quarterly journal “GLOBAL POSTURAL RE-EDUCATION-RPG” since March 1983
Teacher of regular courses on GLOBAL POSTURAL RE-EDUCATION in 16 countries (Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Romania…) since 1982
Over 20.000 physiotherapists in all these countries have been part of the Global Postural Re-education.
- Regular courses RPG Masters at Università di Roma Tor Vergata
- Collaboration for scientific research with Università di Roma Tor Vergata and CIRC Santa Lucia
- Regular courses at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain
- Research RPG class at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain
- RPG courses at the Parnasse Physiotherapy School in Brussels, Belgium since 1992
- Regular courses at Universidad Maimonides in Buenos Aires, Argentina
- RPG courses in Italy with A.I.T.R. Nazionale (Associazione Italiana Terapisti della Riabilitazione, current A.I.F.I.) from 1984 until 2005
- RPG courses along the Associazione Italiana di Rieducazione Posturale Globale
Since 2005
- Regular Post-graduate Latu Sensu courses with Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú in Ceara, Brazil
- Speaker in different national and international congresses in several countries
- Member of the Scientific Committee for journals like Fisioterapia Brasil in Brazil and Attualità in Scienze Motorie e Riabilitative in Italy

Participation in II Fascial Connection
Presentation: “Principles and applications of global postural reeducation in miofascial restrictions”. November 7.