José Luis Pérez Batlle
Diploma in Osteopathy and Professor of the SIO, Professor and Co-founder of the first University School of Osteopathy of Murcia, President and Professor of the Upledger Institute Spain formed by Dr John E. Upledger, disseminator of the international method and teacher trainer in TCS and LSE , Founding President of the Pérez Batlle International Institute and developer of Meningeal Approach.
Meningeal Approach was born from the study and research of José Luis Pérez Batlle in the field of Osteopathy, Cranio-Sacral Upledger Therapy / Somato-Emotional Liberation and experience in Manual Techniques.
In 1998, this new concept began to take shape, focusing on the importance of the intrauterine process and childbirth as capital in the settlement of tensions. These tensions will significantly and irremediably mark the rest of our lives.
The Primary Pull, or Primary Pull, is a tension that develops in the last months of pregnancy, when the baby-fetus is placed face down, resting its head on the firm and rigid pelvis of its mother. This, together with the mother’s movement and together with the effect of gravity, originate tensions that will shape and force the baby’s cranial and meningeal structure and, in this way, will be transmitted through fascial tensions to our entire musculoskeletal system. , visceral, etc.
IMPORTANT: All the first level Meningeal Approach courses, in addition to the face-to-face or online part (depending on the modality), have a previous tutorial part of 15 hours of training (available in English and Spanish).
From the moment of enrollment, the student will have access for 6 months to the theoretical videos of the course recorded by the professor and developer José Luis Pérez Batlle, in the “Students” section of the Batlle Institute website, which will be provided your link.
It will be essential to study the videos and correctly answer the questions that will verify your learning, to access the practical-face-to-face / online course. In this way, you will be much more prepared for the practical course.
After completing the theoretical part online, you will be able to participate in the 3-day face-to-face / online practical course.

Participation in III Fascial Connection
Presentation: Brain, Trauma, Fascia: “From the Aponeurotic Galea to the Neuro-Meningeal System”.
Course: Meningeal Approach I: Aponeurotic Approach “Before birth”
Other Speakers
Teacher: José Luis Pérez Batlle.
Course: Meningeal Approach I: Aponeurotic Approach “Before birth”.
Format: Face-to-face and Online.
Location: Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Date: July 1, 2 and 3, 2022 (3 days).
Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (It may undergo any modification on the part of the teacher that will be communicated the first day).
Important: In online mode, the student will need to be with a person with whom to do the practices. The great experience of J.L. Pérez allows you to be equally effective in explaining, demonstrating, and supervising online techniques. In addition, to maintain the practical quality of the course in online mode, there will be a limited number of 20 students maximum. These 20 students will have an assistant who will help them perform the techniques in online mode for a correct execution of the techniques.
Material delivered: Paper manual in face-to-face mode and digital in online mode.
Certificate: A certificate will be delivered in person or online (in the case online).
Registration: June 15, 2022 at 24:00, will be the closing of registration for the Congress and its courses. Limited places in the face-to-face mode. Registrations will be taken in order of arrival.
This course is reserved for Health professionals: doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, kinesiologists, osteopaths, manual therapists, midwives, perinatal educators …
In the Meningeal Approach Course I, we see the discovery and research of José Luis Pérez Batlle and the development of his approach.
The consequences of traumatic experiences of the baby-fetus in the intrauterine phase are studied, the concept of Primary Pull, Isolation, the Primary Pull Release Technique with a podographic study to the students to objectify the changes, the Prophylaxis of release of the lines of aponeurotic tension from the cranial vault to the extremities, the models of understanding developed and, above all, the attitude necessary for this therapeutic approach.
At the end of the course, you will also have received a cleaning prophylaxis of the entire fascial aponeurotic system, from the skull and spine, to the extremities.
This approach is for the evaluation and treatment of anyone, regardless of age. In general, we suffer from pains and illnesses that often developed at the beginning of our lives.
Thanks to the release of these tension patterns acquired at such an early age, we return the body’s resources and ability to solve its local and peripheral dysfunctions. Not forgetting that these affect your entire muscular, skeletal, nervous system, hormonal system, etc.
Clinical experience and research show a rapid and solid improvement in any alteration between the primary pull and various symptoms, where apparently there would be no connection, but José Luis shows us that there is and that it is vital to resolve it.
See Objectives.
On-site – Limited Places
Until 01/11/2021.
MXN$ 15000
US$ 750
From 02/11/2021 to 01/03/2022.
MXN$ 16000
US$ 800
From 02/03/2022 to 15/06/2022.
MXN$ 18000
US$ 900
Until 01/11/2021.
MXN$ 9000
US$ 450
From 02/11/2021 to 01/03/2022
MXN$ 11000
US$ 550
From 02/03/2022 to 15/06/2022
MXN$ 13000
US$ 650