- Doctor in Physiotherapy. Professor at Universidad de Chile.
- Title: Tenure Professor. Universidad de Chile
- Assistant Professor. St. Augustine University, USA.
- Doctor in Physical Therapy (St. Augustine University, USA)
- Dean of the Rehabilitation Science School at Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile.
- Head of Physical Therapy and Physical & Medical Rehabilitation
- INTEGRAMEDICA, Santiago, Chile
- Professor of Head Neck Biomechanics
- Orthodontics Post graduate Program, Odontology School, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile.
- Director of CEDIME (Study Center for Bone and Muscle Disorders), INTEGRAMEDICA
- Manual Therapy Program for Healthcare Professionals
- Head Neck Facial Pain Program for Dental Professionals
- Head Neck Articular Treatment (Spanish Edition), published by Intermedica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1979
- Bone and Muscle Approach for Maxillary and Facial Pain, published by Lippincott, USA, 1991
- Exercise and total wellness for the vertebral and cranio-mandibular disorders, published by IFORC, 1990 Santiago, Chile
- Exercise for total wellness. Mobilization – Stabilization. IFORC, 1994 Santiago, Chile
- Exercises to Treat Vertebral and Cranio-mandibular Disorders (Portuguese edition). Published by Clasica Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1995
- Kinesiology Principles in Orthognathic Surgery (CEDIME, Study Center for Bone and Muscle Disorders), INTEGRAMEDICA, Santiago de Chile
- Member of National and International Scientific Academies
- Honorary member of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain
- Honorary member of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
- Founding Member and ex-President of the Chilean Academy of cranio-mandibular disorders and facial pain
- Founder and honorary member of the Brazilian Academy of cranio-mandibular, cranio-cervical and facial pain disorders
- Founding Member and ex-President of the Ibero Latin American Academy of Head and Neck Facial Pain
- Founding Member of the Italian Academy of Cranio-mandibular and Orofacial Pain
- Honorary member of the Argentinian Association of Physiatry and Kinesiology
- Honorary member of the Colombian Association of Physiotherapy
- Honorary member of the Chilean Society of Orthodontics
- Member of the American Academy of ORTHOPEDIC MANUAL THERAPY
- Pattern of the Manual Therapy Norwegian Group. Australia
- CRANIO Journal. For cranio-mandibular practice. Chattanooga, USA
- Orthopedic manual therapy journal. Churchill Livingston.

Participation in II Fascial Connection
Presentation: “Contemporary treatment of craneomandibular pathology and craniofacial pain. High esolution computer tomography; a tricentric concept”. November 7.
Class: “Atlas Occipital Downtown Relationship – Axis and Central Craniomandibular Relationship“. November 8-9.